Season 4

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We are the movers, the shakers, the makers, the doers, and dreamers, the storytellers and innovators who tell the story of our great city.


#undeniable Founders

  • Early Stage - Raised less than $250K in funding

  • Louisville, Lexington, Bowling Green, E-town, Southern Indiana

DTC Business Model

You sell a product (physical or digital) directly to consumers or to other businesses.

  • A consumer-focused or technology product in market or you interested in exploring ways to sell your consumer product to other businesses


  • You’ve defined your customer, have identified a clear problem, and can articulate how you would build or have built a solution

  • Proven traction/growth of the business

A Wild, Wild Mission.

Our Proud Supporters & Partners

Additional funding for this program provided by the Lester, Muriel and Edie Fraser Women Entrepreneur Fund for SCORE.